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How to Ensure Smooth Communication Between You and Your Tradie VA

Effective communication is the backbone of a successful partnership with your Tradie Virtual Assistant (VA). Whether you're coordinating job schedules, managing invoices, or delegating tasks, clear and consistent communication can make all the difference. Here are some tips and tools to ensure smooth communication with your VA, helping you maximise efficiency and productivity.

1 – Set Clear Expectations

From the outset, clearly define the roles and responsibilities of your Tradie VA. Outline what tasks you expect them to handle and set specific goals and deadlines. This ensures both parties are on the same page and reduces misunderstandings. We discuss this in our handover meeting.

2 – Use the Right Communication Tools

Choosing the right tools can streamline your communication. Here are some favourites:

  • Email: Great for communication that doesn’t require an immediate response, like detailed instructions. But we know you’re already drowning in emails, so we keep these to a minimum.

  • WhatsApp: Our go-to for quick updates and urgent messages. Use features like voice-to-text or send voice messages to save time.

  • Zoom: Perfect for face-to-face meetings and detailed discussions, especially in the early days. Some clients even have weekly sessions with their VA, estimator, and project manager to iron out any kinks.

  • Asana: Excellent for task management and tracking project progress. We use this to track all your daily, weekly, monthly, and annual tasks, ensuring nothing slips through the cracks.

  • Fergus Notes, Checklists & Tasks: Use notes to update job statuses, especially for maintenance tasks. Checklists are great for projects to ensure all processes are followed, like a checklist for when you win a tender or wrap up a renovation.

3 – Regular Phone Check-Ins

Regular phone check-ins are crucial for maintaining alignment and addressing any issues promptly. Your VA will call you early in the week to discuss progress, upcoming tasks, and any concerns. A great time for these calls is while you're driving (hands-free, of course) to your next site.

4 – Establish Communication Protocols

Set up protocols for different types of communication. Use email for non-urgent matters, WhatsApp for quick questions, and Zoom calls for more complex discussions. Let your VA know which clients are VIPs and a team member who might need a gentle nudge to complete tasks.

5 – Fergus Calendars

Use your Fergus calendar to keep track of important dates, deadlines, and meetings, including personal ones for you and your team. This ensures your VA is aware of your schedule and can plan tasks accordingly. We highly recommend booking time with your VA to go over tasks like invoicing.

6 – Provide Detailed Instructions

When delegating tasks, provide clear, detailed instructions. Break down complex tasks into smaller steps and give examples if possible. This reduces errors and ensures tasks are completed to your satisfaction. While we’re good at reading between the lines, we’re not qualified plumbers or electricians, so teach us about your trade to help us support you better.

7 – Use Collaboration Tools

Collaboration tools like Google Docs, Dropbox, or OneDrive allow you to share and edit documents in real-time. This makes it easier to collaborate on projects, review work, and provide feedback. Your VA stays up-to-date with the latest tech, including automation and AI, to help you reach your goals.

8 – Encourage Feedback

Create an open environment where your VA feels comfortable providing feedback. Regularly ask for their input on processes and communication, and be open to making adjustments based on their suggestions. While we’re experts in using Xero and Fergus, we rely on your feedback to ensure we’re completing tasks the way you want them done.

9 – Keep Communication Professional and Respectful

We get it—swearing is common on site and sometimes spills over into the office. No worries, as long as it’s not directed at your VA! Be respectful of your VA’s time and efforts, and acknowledge their contributions. This fosters a positive working relationship and mutual respect.

10 – Be Flexible and Adaptable

Understand that things may not always go as planned. Be flexible and ready to adapt your communication style or tools as needed. Let us know your preferences, especially if you struggle with dyslexia or ADHD, so we can adapt too. This will help you handle any challenges that arise and ensure continued smooth communication.

11 – They Are on Your Team

Your VA is part of your team, so encourage your field team to reach out to them and build a connection. If they’re local, invite them to team toolbox meetings or the Christmas party. If they’re not local, include them in strategic planning sessions at times that work for everyone.

Effective communication with your Tradie VA is essential for a successful working relationship. By setting clear expectations, using the right tools, and maintaining regular check-ins, you can ensure smooth and productive collaboration.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to book a free discovery call or visit our Facebook page for more information.