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On taking the FIRST STEP 


your admin and accounts.

The first step of outsourcing is always the hardest!

Starting something new can be daunting, especially when it comes to optimising your business systems and processes. But remember, taking that first step is always the most difficult one.

So, congratulations on taking this bold step towards achieving your business goals! By choosing outsourcing and to improve your systems and processes, you're already making significant progress.

Keep pushing forward, you're already closer to reaching your goals!

Work Smarter, Not Harder

Fergus can make your job easier

Whether you're a carpenter, electrician, plumber, or any other tradesman, we've got you covered. From power tools to software, have you got everything you need to stay ahead of the competition?

So why wait? Take your reputation to the next level and stay ahead of the game with Virtual Coastie.

Take control of your jobs

Are you tired of juggling multiple spreadsheets, emails, and paper files to manage your jobs and workflow? It's time to streamline your business with Fergus Job Management software.

Fergus will help your trade business get visibility of your cost and ensure each job is profitable.

Never miss invoicing a job again.

Virtual Caostie Fergus Job Management Software

Fergus Job Management Support

Ready to take your business to the next level?

Let our expert team handle the implementation of Fergus software, so you can focus on what you do best.

Contact us today to learn more and get started!

Book a free Discovery Call

Want to know how we can help you?  

We offer a free 30 minute discovery call where we can discuss your current road blocks and how a Virtual Assistant can assist you with your outsourcing.


Virtual Coastie 101 Tasks to Outsourse to a tradie VA

101 Tasks To Outsource To A Tradie Virtual Assistant

You won't believe the tasks that a Tradie virtual assistant can help you with. Download our free guide and see what you can offload today.


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